Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sunday 1st May -- BLOG NEWS

Morning all from the sunny UK and indeed sunny Manchester, today is officially the first day of out blog. Welcome to all my friends/contacts, this first few days this week the site has already had over 1,000 hits, hopefully this is  sign of things to come.
New content pics or vids or both will be placed on here twice a week on a Monday and Friday, so watch out for it. Plenty of HOT stuff for you to enjoy and all FREE, no donations asked for, we just want you to enjoy it.

Have fun and welcome!!!

Laura xxx


  1. A very good morning to you too Laura :)

    Looking forward to tomorrow


  2. Good morning to you as well. I wish I could be whispering it to you across a pillow! (sigh)

  3. How can I get invited to such a luncheon?
